Search Results
Martin Treml: Warburg´s ‘Bilderatlas’: A Tool for the Study of the History of Religion
Martin Warnke: The Long Road of Warburg’s 'Snail'
Let's Talk about Aby Warburg!
Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlaw's Travel to the Holy Land (Martin Treml)
Ulrich Raulff: ‘Nachleben’. A Warburgian Concept and its Origins
Andrea Pinotti - Variations without Theme: Warburg and the Morphology of the Neutral
Horst Bredekamp: Warburg, Berlin, the Middle Ages
Per Monstra ad Sphaeram: Aby Warburg and the Future of the Humanities
Aby Warburg Bilderatlas Mnemosyne - The Original
Die entfesselte Antike: Aby Warburg und die Geburt der Pathosformel (exhibition in Cologne)
Denkraum | Conference | Aby Warburg - Bilderatlas Mnemosyne